La course camarguaise is the more humane, in my opinion, of bullfights. In this sport the taureau (bull) has tons of little ribbons attached to its horns and les raseteurs (men in white) attempt to get the strings off the horns with this little hook tool without being speared with the taureau's horns. Unlike the corrida the bull is not killed just tortured for 20 minutes by tons of men in white and then he returns to the fields to reproduce the next generation of baby taureaus.
The dangerous part is that the taureau has been poked and prodded before hand into a frenzied, angry state and comes into the arena rearing to charge at anything that moves. The raseaturs have to run as fast as they can and jump over the fence to safety when the taureau charges, which is constantly. However some of the raseteurs definitely get a buzz from waiting until the last moment to fly over the fence and in one such instance the raseteur waited too long. The taureau charged at him ripping his pants so much so that both his butt cheeks were clearly visible to the world and there were small traces of blood running down his pants. Yet no sooner had he jumped the wall to safety he was right back in the arena chasing after the last string on the bulls horn, his butt cheeks bouncing along behind him.
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